
“He doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.”

Hi! I am Nicole Sanders, currently the Consumer Integrated Marketing Lead at Pinterest, Inc. in Los Angeles, CA.

My education + early career in product development led to my interest in learning more about consumer mind set + pursuing my Masters in Integrated Marketing from Georgetown University. I now focus on brand + product marketing + have had the opportunity to work with Fortune 500 companies + beyond including Nike, Pinterest, Hanes brands + Reebok to name a few.

My ultimate goal is to continue leveraging my unique education + experience to help brands communicate their identity, voice + core values to consumers in authentic + inclusive ways that build a bridge between the brand + the product to show, not tell, consumers how they fit seamlessly into their lives.

I am originally from Silver Spring, Maryland + received my Bachelor of Science in Textile Technology from North Carolina State University as well as my Master's in Integrated Marketing Communications from Georgetown University. In my free time, I love to work out, spend time family, and travel! My sisters + I founded The Travel Tailor®, LLC which provides curated trip itineraries + stylish travel looks for our traveler community in hopes of spreading our love of travel around the world.

- Nicole Sanders